
イギリス英語の花柄ITエンジニア PAR(PRIDEAUX-ANZAI Ryosuke)です。

I don’t think marriage is really important in today’s era.
Statistically, marriages don’t really work these days.
And, not only ’cause of that, but, I think it is just paperwork.
You can dedicate yourself to your other half without putting a ring on the woman’s finger.
That’s what I personally believe even though I was raised to get married.
Just seeing how my parents grew up, they never really worked out.
I mean most marriages today don’t work out, so.
Staying together and just being honest with each other, I think that is good enough as it is.
I don’t think marriage is really important in today’s era.
era : 時代、時期(名詞)
Statistically, marriages don’t really work these days.
Statistically : 統計的に(副詞)
And, not only (be)cause of that, but, I think it is just paperwork.

paperwork : 書類事務、ペーパーワーク(名詞)
not only A but B : AだけではなくBも
because of : ~が原因で、~のせいで
(Statistically, marriages don’t really work these days. )
(I think it is just paperwork.)
You can dedicate yourself to your other half without putting a ring on the woman’s finger.

dedicate : (生涯を)ささげる、~に専念する
dedicate A to B : AをBにささげる
yourself(A) を your other half(B) にささげる、という使い方になります
other half : 妻、夫

That’s what I personally believe even though I was raised to get married.

personally : 個人的には(副詞)
raise : 育てる、持ち上げる(動詞)
get married : 結婚する
even though : ~だけれども、~にも関わらず
Just seeing how my parents grew up, they never really worked out.

grow up : 育つ、成長する
work out : いい結果が出る、良い結果となる

I mean most marriages today don’t work out, so.
I mean : つまり、~
Staying together and just being honest with each other, I think that is good enough as it is.
good enough : 十分に良い、結構間に合う
as it is : そのままに

I don’t think marriage is really important in today’s era.
Statistically, marriages don’t really work these days.
And, not only ’cause of that, but, I think it is just paperwork.
You can dedicate yourself to your other half without putting a ring on the woman’s finger.
That’s what I personally believe even though I was raised to get married.
Just seeing how my parents grew up, they never really worked out.
I mean most marriages today don’t work out, so.

Staying together and just being honest with each other, I think that is good enough as it is.



era : 時代、時期(名詞)
statistically : 統計的に(副詞)
paperwork : 書類事務、ペーパーワーク(名詞)
not only A but B : AだけではなくBも
because of : ~が原因で、~のせいで
dedicate : (生涯を)ささげる、~に専念する
dedicate A to B : AをBにささげる
yourself(A) を your other half(B) にささげる、という使い方になります
other half : 妻、夫
personally : 個人的には(副詞)
raise : 育てる、持ち上げる(動詞)
get married : 結婚する
even though : ~だけれども、~にも関わらず
grow up : 育つ、成長する
work out : いい結果が出る、良い結果となる
I mean : つまり、~
good enough : 十分に良い、結構間に合う
as it is : そのままに